ROHM Develops High Precision, Ultra Low Power Window Type Reset IC*


ROHM Develops High Precision, Ultra Low Power Window Type Reset IC*

ROHM, a leading global semiconductor manufacturer, has developed the BD48HW ...…[More]

ST's 5G M2M embedded SIM card chip passes the latest GSMA ESA certific ...


ST's 5G M2M embedded SIM card chip passes the latest GSMA ESA certific ...

STMicroelectronics announced on June 29, 2022 the ST4SIM-201 embedded SIM ( ...…[More]

LPDDR5X - Powerful memory performance makes everything possible


LPDDR5X - Powerful memory performance makes everything possible

Advances in mobile low-power dual data rate (LPDDR) DRAM technology provide ...…[More]

Diodes Corporation introduces a streamlined and cost-effective chargin ...


Diodes Corporation introduces a streamlined and cost-effective chargin ...

Plano, Texas, June 29, 2022 - Diodes Corporation continues to strengthen it ...…[More]

Samsung world's first all-gate field effect transistor


Samsung world's first all-gate field effect transistor

Apparently, now Samsung wants to overtake TSMC by mass production of more a ...…[More]

Global 12-inch chip manufacturing plants are hot, silicon wafer plant  ...


Global 12-inch chip manufacturing plants are hot, silicon wafer plant ...

Global Wafer announced that it will build a new 12-inch semiconductor wafer ...…[More]

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