What is Band Pass Filter?


Ⅰ. What is a Bandpass Filter?

bandpass filter is defined as a circuit that permits a signal to flow between two frequencies. Some BPF band-pass filter designs can be made using external power supply and active components (such as integrated circuits and transistors), and these active components are referred to as active band-pass filters. Passive bandpass filters, on the other hand, utilize any sort of power supply and passive components such as capacitors and inductors.

Wireless transmitters and receivers can benefit from these filters. BPF can be used in the transmitter to reduce the output signal's bandwidth to the bare minimum and transmit data at a specified place and format. Similarly, in the receiver, the filter allows signals in a desirable frequency range to be processed while avoiding signals in undesirable frequency ranges. The receiver's signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) can be improved with BPF.


Bandpass Filter Circuit

The best example of a bandpass filter circuit is an RLC circuit, as shown below. The filter can also be designed by combining LPF and HPF. In BPF, Bandpass describes a process of filtering filters. It should be distinguished from the passband, which refers to the actual part of the affected spectrum. The pastoral bandpass filter has no gain or attenuation, so it is a completely horizontal passband. This will completely attenuate every frequency outside the passband.

Bandpass Filter Circuit

In truth, bandpass filters aren't perfect, and they won't entirely attenuate all frequencies except the one you want. There is a part outside the desired passband, but it is not discarded, especially when the frequency is attenuated. This is known as filter roll-off, and the attenuation is normally measured in decibels (dB) for each octave unless the frequency is ten times the frequency. Let the filter proceed to the proposed design because the filter design appears to establish the roll-off as thinly as possible. This is usually accomplished by consuming passband ripple; otherwise, stopband ripple is used.

The difference between higher and lower frequencies is known as the filter bandwidth. The cutoff frequency is determined by the shape factor, which is a bandwidth fraction derived with two different attenuation values. A form factor of 2:1 at 20/2 dB, for example, means that the bandwidth calculated in the 20 dB attenuation frequency range is doubled in the 2 dB attenuation frequency range. Optical BPF is commonly used in theaters for photography and lighting. Instead of flakes, these filters use the contour of a transparent colored film.

Ⅱ. Different Types of Bandpass Filters

Widebandpass filters and narrow bandpass filters are two types of bandpass filters that can be classified.

Wideband pass filter

Lower pass and high pass sections, which are generally separate circuits for simple design and action, can be combined to form a WBF or wideband pass filter (WBF).


Wideband Pass Filter

Many practical circuits are aware of it. A band-pass filter with a 20dB/decade can be produced by combining two sections, such as a first-order low-pass, and the high-pass element can be deleted. Similarly, a 40 dB/decade band-pass filter can be created by cascading two second-order filters, low-pass and high-pass filters (HPF). This means that the order of the low-pass and high-pass filters determines the order of the band-pass filter (BPF). Below is a graph of the bandpass filter curve.


Frequency Response of BPF

A first-order HPF can be used to make a 20 dB/decade bandpass filter (High Pass Filter). In the diagram below, the frequency response of a first-order LPF (low pass filter) is displayed.

Narrow bandpass filter

Narrow bandpass filters, in general, employ numerous feedbacks. The operational amplifier is used in this band-pass filter, as illustrated in the circuit diagram below. The following are the key characteristics of this filter.


Narrow Bandpass Filter

Because it has two feedback channels, this filter is also known as a multi-feedback filter.

Inverting mode is used with an operational amplifier.

This filter's frequency response is depicted in the diagram below.


Frequency Response of NBPF

The filter can be constructed for exact center frequency (FC) and bandwidth or center frequency and BW in general. The following relationships can be used to determine the components of this circuit. To make design calculations easier, each of the C1 and C2 capacitors can be used for C.

R1 = Q /2Π FC CAF

R2 = Q /2Π FC C (2Q2-AF)

R3 = Q /Π FC Ç

According to the above equation, Af represents the gain at the intermediate frequency, so Af = R3 / 2R1

However, Af should satisfy this statement Af <2Q2

The FC (center frequency) of multiple feedback filters can be changed to a new frequency FC without changing the bandwidth or gain. This can be achieved by changing R2 to R2'

R2'= R2 *( fc / fc )2

A passive bandpass filter is shown in the circuit below. We can calculate a passive bandpass filter using this circuit. The passive bandpass filter calculator's formula is presented below.


Passive Band Pass Filter Calculator

For low cutoff frequency = 1 /2ΠR2C2

For high cutoff frequency = 1 /2ΠR1C1

We may also calculate the BPF of an active inverting operational amplifier and the BPF of an active non-inverting operational amplifier.

Application of a bandpass filter

The following are some of the uses for bandpass filters.

Wireless transmitters and receivers frequently use these filters.

This filter can be used to improve the S/N (signal-to-noise ratio) and the receiver's empathy.

The major goal of the transmitter's filter is to keep the output signal's BW within the designated communication frequency band.

BPF is also commonly employed in optical equipment like lidar and lasers.

The ideal use of this filter is in audio signal processing when just a specified range of sound frequencies is required and the remainder is removed.

These filters are excellent for applications in sonar, instrumentation, medicine, and seismology.

These filters are used in communication systems to choose specific signals from a large number of signals.

As a result, this is everything about band-pass filter theory, covering the band-pass operation's circuit diagram, the various varieties of band-pass filters, and their applications. From the foregoing, we can deduce that astronomy is one of the other application areas for these filters and that these filters only allow a portion of the light spectrum to enter the device. These filters can be used to determine redshifts, find star tilts in the main series, and so forth. 

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