Introduction to MD8002A Audio Amplifier


The MD8002A is an audio power amplifier that uses a 5V DC power supply to provide 2.0 watts of continuous power to a BTL load with less than 10% distortion. It was created with the aim of providing high-quality o/p control with fewer components. It doesn't use any output coupling capacitors or bootstrap capacitors.

An audio amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that is used to amplify low-power electronic audio signals, such as the radio receiver's output signal. These amplifiers can be used in a variety of sound systems, including sound reinforcement, home theatre, surround sound, home audio, entertainment centers, and guitar amplifiers. The audio amplification is the final electronic stage in a standard audio playback chain before the signal is sent to the loudspeakers. Each audio source, such as CD players, album players, tape players, and digital audio players, can be used as an input to the audio amplifier. Low-level inputs are used for the majority of amplifiers. The electric guitar signal, for example, is the input signal of an audio amplifier. This signal, which is measured in microwatts and produces a few watts, is used in small electronic devices such as clock radios, home stereo systems, and so on. The MD8002A Audio Amplifier is discussed in this paper.

The MD8002A is an audio power amplifier that uses a 5V DC power supply to provide 2.0 watts of continuous power to a BTL load with less than 10% distortion. It was created with the aim of providing high-quality o/p control with fewer components. It doesn't use any output coupling capacitors or bootstrap capacitors.

Because of a special pop-click removing circuit, this amplifier is ideal for low voltage applications as well as audio speakers. In turning on and off settings, these amplifiers have perfect pop-click characteristics. This amplifier has external gain-setting resistors and is unity-gain stable.

I. Circuit of MD8002A Audio Amplifier

This audio amplifier's circuit diagram is seen below. Two operating amplifiers in various configurations can be used to make this circuit. The primary op-gain amp's can be adjusted externally, but the second amplifier's gain is set internally in an inverting configuration of unity gain.

Ri, Ci, Rf, Cf, and Cb are the key components in this circuit, and they are addressed further down.


  • By feedback resistance, an inverting input resistance (Ri) sets the gain of a closed-loop within conjunction (Rf). Using the input coupling capacitor (Ci) on fc = 1/(2Ri*Ci), this resistor can be used to create an HPF (high pass filter).

  • The voltage of DC where the i/p of an amplifier ends is blocked by an input coupling capacitor (Ci). It also generates an HPF based on Ri on fc = 1/(2Ri*Ci).

  • Via Ri, the feedback resistance (Rf) fixes the gain of the closed-loop in conjunction. As a result, AVD=2*(Rf/Ri) is the gain.

  • The power supply's filtering is provided by the supply bypass capacitor (Cs).

  • The bypass pin capacitor (Cb) provides half-supply filtering.

The closed-loop gain of the primary op-amps can be adjusted by adjusting the fractions of Rf and Ri, while the gain of another amplifier can be adjusted by adjusting the two internal resistors. We can see in the circuit that the first amplifier output is fed into the second amplifier, which produces signals that are equal in magnitude but 180 degrees out of phase.

Maximum Ratings

The maximum ratings of the MD8002A audio amplifier include:

  • The supply voltage ranges from-0.3V to 6V

  • Input voltage ranges from -0.3V to VDD+0.3V

  • Junction Temperature ranges from -40℃ to +150℃

  • Storage Temperature ranges from -65℃ to +150℃

Operating Ratings

The operating ratings of the MD8002A audio amplifier include the following.

  • The range of temperature is-40℃ ≦ TA ≦ 85℃

  • The supply voltage is 2.2V ≦ VDD ≦ 5.5V

II. Features of MD8002A Audio Amplifier

The following are the key characteristics of the MD8002A audio amplifier:

  • It may be used to make an agreement for external benefit.

  • It comes in a SOP8 package.

  • For unity gain, it is stable.

  • There are no o/p coupling capacitors, bootstrap capacitors, or snubber networks needed.

  • Enhanced circuitry eliminates pop-click noise during turn-on and turn-off operations.

MD8002A is a mono bridged audio power amplifier capable of providing continuous average power of 3W to 3Ω BTL load. The IC has thermal shutdown protection, unity gain stability, external gain setting, and the IC's power supply voltage of 5V.

Pin Configuration of MD8002A Audio Amplifier

The MD8002A Audio Amplifier has 8 pins that are connected together:

(1) Pin1 (SD): This is a Shutdown Pin. Active high

(2) Pin2 (BYP): This is a bypass capacitor pin

(3) Pin3 (+IN): This is a +Ve i/p pin of the initial Amplifier

(4) Pin4 (-IN): This is a -ve pin of the initial amplifier

(5) Pin5 (VO1): This is a negative o/p

(6) Pin6 (VDD): This is a +ve Supply Pin

(7) Pin7 (GND): This is a ground pin

(8) Pin8 (VO2): This is a +ve output pin

Specifications of MD8002A Audio Amplifier

The following are the core specifications of the MD8002A audio amplifier.

  • The range of supply voltage is 2V to 6V

  • The o/p Power is 3W

  • The shutdown current is 0.6µA

  • The load impedance of audio is 3 Ohms

  • The improved PSSR is 60 dB at 217 Hz and 1kHz

  • Adopt SOP8 package

  • Equivalent to MD8002A: LM4871, TDA2050

  • Alternative audio amplifier: LM386, AD620, IC6283, JRC45558

Used scenarios of MD8002A

MD8002A is a class AB audio power amplifier with a shutdown mode function. 8002 is specifically designed to provide high-quality output power with a minimum of external components. It does not require output coupling capacitors or bootstrap capacitors. 8002 is very suitable for audio speakers and other low voltage applications.

Therefore, if you are looking for a dual operational amplifier IC with high gain and wide bandwidth for audio amplification, then this IC may be the right choice for you.

How to use MD8002A

The application circuit of the MD8002A data sheet is given below. As shown in the circuit in the figure, MD8002A has two operational amplifiers inside, allowing the use of several different amplifier configurations. The gain of the first amplifier is externally configurable; the second amplifier is internally fixed in unity gain inverting configuration.

The closed-loop gain of the first amplifier is set by choosing the ratio of Rf to Ri, while the gain of the second amplifier is fixed by two internal 40kΩ resistors. The figure shows that the output of amplifier one is used as the input of amplifier two, which causes the two amplifiers to produce signals with the same amplitude but 180° out of phase.

Equivalent & Alternative ICs

The equivalent and alternative ICs of this amplifier include the following:

  • An equivalent ICs of MD8002A audio amplifier is LM4871 and TDA2050

  • Alternatives ICs of MD8002A audio amplifier are AD620, LM386, JRC45558 & IC6283.

III. Applications of MD8002A Audio Amplifier

A feature of this type of amplifier is a shut-down mode. The key goal of this IC is to have high-quality output power with fewer components. Capacitors are not used in this amplifier for output coupling or bootstrap. It's found in low-voltage systems as well as audio speakers. This IC is the perfect choice for those looking for a dual op-amp IC with a big bandwidth and high gain.

The following are some of the applications for audio amplifiers like the MD8002A:

  • Speakers for audio

  • Low-voltage audio systems for desktop computers

  • Computers on Wheels

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