NAND market will perform better than DRAM in 2023, and the market scale will keep pace in the future



According to foreign media reports, Omdia, a market research institute, recently released a forecast on the storage semiconductor market. It is estimated that the market size of NAND flash memory will approach the DRAM market in 2023.

According to Omdia data, the global NAND flash memory market size this year is about US $58.513 billion, close to the DRAM market (US $59.582 billion). It is estimated that by 2025, the NAND market size will reach US $84.378 billion, which is expected to exceed the DRAM market (US $83.397 billion) for the first time.

In 2022, the market size of NAND will be 60.49 billion US dollars, which is about 30% lower than DRAM market (81.714 billion US dollars).

The agency believes that the gap between NAND market and DRAM is due to several reasons. First, the demand elasticity of NAND is higher than DRAM. When the market falls into recession, the price of memory semiconductor drops sharply, and customers' demand for NAND will also increase rapidly.

Secondly, the growth rate of NAND flash memory market is steeper than that of DRAM, which is also one of the reasons for the promising prospects of NAND market. The use of NAND is expanding to data centers, artificial intelligence (AI) and even automobiles. Recently, the number and specifications of memory used in automobiles are increasing.

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