The electronics chip rose outrageously, and fell outrageously!


From the second half of 2020 to the first half of 2022, the global semiconductor market capacity shortage continued for two years, but in recent months the situation has changed again, excess capacity began, the market chip prices plummeted.

L9369-TR chip was an important product in the wave of "core shortage". In the third and fourth quarters of last year, when the lack of cores was most intense, the price of this chip once rose by 100 times. "L9369-TR chip in a long time are in the high, from the historical quotation of the past one or two years, the price is now considered to be at a low level. It is revealed that "not only the price has dropped significantly, but also the stock is sufficient, and the order can be shipped immediately."

According to Vanceer Electronics understanding of the market, L9369-TR type chip is the core chip of Bosch ESP system. According to public data, Bosch occupies about 70% of the domestic automotive ESP system market share. In the third and fourth quarters of last year, the L9369-TR chip appeared at a high price mainly because of the epidemic in Malaysia, ST's local packaging plant production line was affected, and the chip appeared at a high price difficult to find the situation. "Now with the epidemic has turned for the better, it is now much easier to get the goods than before.

In addition, Vanceer Electronics understands that the price reduction is not only the L9369-TR type chip, ST STMicroelectronics' model STM32F103C8T6 chip is currently down significantly compared to last year. Recalling the price rise and fall of these two chips, Vanceer Electronics used "outrageous" to describe: "up outrageous, down also outrageous."

STMicroelectronics shares have also fallen with the decline in chip prices, from a high of $ 51.95 in November last year to $ 32.63 today, a decline of nearly 37% in nine months, the market value from $ 47 billion down to $ 29.5 billion, evaporating $ 17.5 billion.


Vanceer Electronics provides solutions to the shortage of Specialized Integrated Circuits, Resistors, Discrete Semiconductor, Capacitors and other electronic components

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