Traditional off-season and wafer price increases offset the effect of  ...


Traditional off-season and wafer price increases offset the effect of ...

TrendForce: The traditional off-season and wafer price increases offset the ...…[More]

Foundry announces latest technology roadmap: 2nm mass production in 20 ...


Foundry announces latest technology roadmap: 2nm mass production in 20 ...

TSMC, a leading foundry, recently launched the 2022 TSMC Technology Symposi ...…[More]

Global semiconductor 2nm process battle escalates


Global semiconductor 2nm process battle escalates

Semiconductor process continues to shrink, facing the physical limits, when ...…[More]

Samsung is rumored to suspend the procurement of all business groups


Samsung is rumored to suspend the procurement of all business groups

Recently, foreign media, citing a number of sources familiar with the matte ...…[More]

India to spend $30 billion to overhaul tech sector


India to spend $30 billion to overhaul tech sector

According to media reports, Indian diplomat Gourangalal Das said recently t ...…[More]

TF-AMD invests in second manufacturing plant in Malaysia


TF-AMD invests in second manufacturing plant in Malaysia

TF-AMD Microelectronics Sdn Bhd has announced plans to expand its manufactu ...…[More]

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