An Overview of Linear Integrated Circuits


An Overview of Linear Integrated Circuits

A linear integrated circuit is an integrated circuit based on an amplifier. ...…[More]

Introduction to Voltage Stabilizer


Introduction to Voltage Stabilizer

A voltage stabilizer is a device that stabilizes the output voltage. The vo ...…[More]

What are Programmable Logic Controllers?


What are Programmable Logic Controllers?

Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) is an electronic system operated by digi ...…[More]

Multivibrator: Circuits, Types and Application


Multivibrator: Circuits, Types and Application

A multivibrator uses deep positive feedback, to turn on and off two electro ...…[More]

What is Field Programmable Gate Array?


What is Field Programmable Gate Array?

Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a product of further development on ...…[More]

A/D Converter: Basic Principle and Types


A/D Converter: Basic Principle and Types

An analog-to-digital converter, or A/D converter, or ADC for short, is usua ...…[More]

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