IOT-Based Anti-theft Handbag


Hello everyone, welcome to the new post today. We will discuss all the security features of our Anti-theft handbag in this post.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Anti-theft Handbags are useful nowadays because one has to carry such important items like documents, books, laptops,s, etc. Students in libraries place their bags outside the library and no security is provided for their bags. Some mischievous-minded people do not hesitate to steal things from student’s bags and thus students cannot do anything. Anti-theft handbags are introduced but they are not very common and not as economical as everyone can afford. We will discuss all the security features of our Anti-theft handbag. The Security system we have developed can installed in any bag like a Handbag, Student bag, Shopping bag or even luggage bag. We will discuss the normal handbag. We often use bags and luggage in Airports. People also use trolleys if they have more than one luggage and they have to carry it all the way to the Airport and some people might try to steal one’s luggage. We are using Arduino as a Microcontroller in our Project i.e. Arduino. Arduino is one of the best controllers for interfacing Sensors and controlling. We are using sensors and Modules such as Touch sensors, Bluetooth modules, NodeMCU, GPS, and RFID. The Handbag contains features such as:

1. Instant text message alert to the owner's mobile phone via Bluetooth Android App and a buzzer sound will be generated from the system in the bag if anyone tries to steal the bag.

2. Location of the bag via GPS

3. RFID Lock system and only the owner would have the correct Tag to open the lock of the handbag.  


Ⅱ.  Materials Required

· Lithium-Ion Cell

· Battery Management Circuit

· Arduino


· Bluetooth


· Buzzer

· Hand Bag

· Touch Sensor Module

· Bluetooth Module

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Ⅲ. Hardware

Anti-Theft Handbag System Block Diagram.

Anti-Theft Handbag System Block Diagram

The Above Diagram consists of seven Parts:

1) Power Supply

2) Arduino

3) RFID Reader and Module

4) Node MCU

5) GPS

6) Bluetooth Module

7) Buzzer

For Power Supply, we are using 3 Lithium-ion Cells. Each cell is rated 3.7v so connecting 3 cells in series would give us 11.1v. We have connected the BMS Circuit with our battery to control our battery charging and discharging. From there, we have a battery indication circuit to identify the battery percentage. There are three LEDs for this purpose. Blue, Green, and Red. Blue shows the Full charge which is from 9v to 11.1v. Green shows from 6v to 9v and Red shows below 6v. Arduino can be powered from 5v to 35v so it is not a big issue but some other components use 5v or 9v. We have used a 7809 Voltage Regulator IC for Arduino and Nodemcu. For other components like Bluetooth Module, and Buzzer they need 5v so they are powered by Arduino as Arduino I/O pins provide 5v and RFID needs 3.3v so it is also powered by Arduino. GPS is powered by Nodemcu.



· First the User has to On the Power button on the system and connect the Android app designed for the alert system. When anyone touches our bag an alarm sound will be generated from the buzzer to alert the user and a text message will be generated from the Android app saying “Intruder Alert, Someone is trying to steal your bag”.

· Second We get the location of our bag 24/7 via GPS and Nodemcu.

· The RFID Lock system is used to keep the bag locked. There will be an RFID Tag to open the lock and that Tag is the only key that can open the lock. If anyone tries to open the lock with any other RFID Tag that lock will not open.

Fritzing Diagram.

Fritzing Diagram



 Inside Circuit of Anti-theft Handbag System.

Inside Circuit of Anti-theft Handbag System


This is the Main Circuit of the Anti-theft Handbag. We have placed our entire project in a Plastic box inside the Handbag.

 Outside Circuit of the Handbag.

Outside Circuit of the Handbag

The figure shows RFID and lock system. Only the correct RFID Tag can open the lock otherwise it will remain locked. After RFID senses the correct tag it will remain open for 3 seconds to open the lock. 

Ⅳ. Software

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

The Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment), is an application that is written in the programming language Java. It is used primarily for programming of Arduino. The Arduino IDE is open-source software and requires no specific licensing. Figure 5.1 below shows the software opening interface.

The Arduino IDE uses the AVR to convert the executable code into a text file in hexadecimal encoding, that is loaded into the Arduino board by a loader program in the board’s firmware. In this project, I have extensively used the Arduino IDE, for programming the Arduino, The features offered in this software are detailed and provide for an in-depth use of this piece of hardware. Live status can also be read off the Digital I/O’s.

RFID Door lock result in Arduino Serial Monitor.

RFID Door lock result in Arduino Serial Monitor

The RFID code was working fine..

The RFID code was working fine. When we placed the correct Tag near the Reader the Serial Monitor shows Authorized access similarly when we placed Incorrect tag the Serial Monitor showed Unauthorized access.


The GPS coordinates and location on Google Map was coming

Live from the GPS module and Nodemcu in Arduino and the IP address which was showing on the Arduino Serial Monitor.. The results are shown as:

The GPS coordinates and location on Google Map was coming.

GPS Coordinates shows on Arduino Serial Monitor

 Web Link of GPS Coordinates.

 Web Link of GPS Coordinates

Location of Desired Coordinates in Google MAP.

Location of Desired Coordinates in Google MAP

For SMS we faced a problem with sending sms on mobile because the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has banned the GSM module because of IMEI registration so we figured out another way to send notification messages in our mobile via Bluetooth app. It was not 100% accurate but still effective. We have made our custom Android app on MIT App Inventor software. This software is easy to use and anyone can make their own Android apps according to their requirements. So we programmed this app with Arduino so that when anyone touches our bag we get a notification message via the Bluetooth app on our mobile but first we have to pair and connect to our Bluetooth.The App interface is shown below:

Bluetooth Android App Interface.

Bluetooth Android App Interface


Now for sms we does not get proper sms on our mobile but rather we receive notification in text message format:

we receive notification in text message format.


Ⅴ.  Coding

#include <SPI.h>

#include <MFRC522.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>


#define SS_PIN 8

#define RST_PIN 9

#define LED_G 5 //define green LED pin

#define LED_R 4 //define red LED

#define RELAY 2 //relay pin

#define BUZZER 6 //buzzer pin

#define ACCESS_DELAY 2000

#define DENIED_DELAY 1000

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);   // Create MFRC522 instance.

const int PirSensor = 7;

#define  buzzer 6

int motionState = 0;


byte serialA;

void setup()


pinMode(PirSensor, INPUT);


  Serial.begin(9600);   // Initiate a serial communication


  SPI.begin();          // Initiate  SPI bus

  mfrc522.PCD_Init();   // Initiate MFRC522

  pinMode(LED_G, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(LED_R, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(RELAY, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);


  digitalWrite(RELAY, LOW);

  Serial.println("Put your card to the reader...");




void loop()



   if (Serial.available() > 0) {serialA = Serial.read();Serial.println(serialA);}

  motionState = digitalRead(PirSensor );

  if (motionState == HIGH) {






//    while(0);



  if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())




  // Select one of the cards

  if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial())




  //Show UID on serial monitor

  Serial.print("UID tag :");

  String content = "";

  byte letter;

  for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++)


    Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");

    Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);

    content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "));

    content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));



  Serial.print("Message : ");


  if (content.substring(1) == "E6 34 5E F9") //change here the UID of the card/cards that you want to give access


    Serial.println("Authorized access");



    digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(LED_G, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(RELAY, LOW);

    digitalWrite(LED_G, LOW);


  else   {

    Serial.println(" Access denied");

    digitalWrite(LED_R, HIGH);

    tone(BUZZER, 300);


    digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW);




Ⅵ. Conclusion

Anti-Theft Handbag are not much common in all around the world. However we made this project cost saving and effective because this project can be used in Shopping malls, Airport and anywhere where people have to carry their Bags,cart or luggage all the time.

In Future This Project can be enhanced in many ways like

                           FOR HANDBAG

· More secure Lock

· Call alert along with sms

· Keypad Combination lock along with RFID

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