Samsung Electronics plans to more than triple its chip foundry capacity by 2027


According to South Korean media BusinessKorea, Samsung Electronics held the 2022 Samsung Foundry Forum in Seoul's Gangnam District on October 20. Jeong Ki-tae, vice president of technology development for the company's foundry business unit, said that compared to 5nm chips, 3nm chips have 45% lower power consumption, 23% higher performance and 16% less area.

The company aims to more than triple the capacity of its foundry by 2027. To do this, the chipmaker is pursuing a "shell-first" strategy, whereby it will first build a clean room and then operate the facility flexibly as market demand arises.

Samsung Electronics plans to more than triple its chip foundry capacity by 2027

Choi Si-young, president of Samsung Electronics' foundry business unit, said, "We are operating five factories in Korea and the United States, and we have secured sites to build more than 10 factories."

Samsung Electronics announced in San Francisco on October 3 that it plans to launch its second-generation 3nm process in 2023, start 2nm volume production in 2025 and launch a 1.4nm process in 2027.

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